Domestic Violence/Assault

Crimes Against Children

Depending upon the relationship between the adult and the child, a crime committed against a child can land a defendant in criminal court and family court.  Our laws and courts are careful to protect children.  Crimes like Abandonment of a Child (§260.00) and Endangering the Welfare of a Child (§260.10) specifically protect child victims.  With laws designed specifically to protect the well being of children, if you are accused of a crime against a child you need an attorney working specifically to protect your rights.  Call for a consultation to discuss your case.

Domestic Assault

Assaults committed between family members or other loved ones carry their own special complications.  Victims of domestic assault, or family offenses, can bring civil charges in family court, criminal charges in criminal court, or both.  A judge can issue an order of protection forcing you to stay away from your home and to have no contact with the alleged victim – this can be especially difficult when an order of protection splits a family apart.  An experienced attorney can help navigate your way through this maze.  The attorneys at Epstein & Conroy are experienced representing people accused of family offenses in both criminal court and in family court.  Call for a free consultation to discuss your case. 


Cases of harassment, stalking, or menacing are taken very seriously by courts and prosecutors.  Even if there are no physical injuries, the threatening behavior behind theses offense can lead to harsh penalties, including felony level convictions and jail time.  If you are charged with harassment, stalking, or menacing, do not take it lightly – the prosecutors  and courts are taking it very seriously.  You need an experienced attorney watching out for your rights. 

Orders of Protections

An Order of Protection (OOP) can be issued by a judge of Family Court, Supreme Court or Criminal Court.  It can be issued while a case is pending or as part of the resolution of a case.  The OOP orders a defendant to stay away from and have no contact with a specific person or address.  In some instances, this can force a defendant to move out of his or her home.  Violating an Order of Protection is a crime in and of itself.  Navigating the laws around Orders of Protection can be complicated, you should have an experienced attorney on your side.

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"Epstein and Conroy is highly recommended by me. I have used David Epstein on several matters, both personal and professional matters. He is always courteous, professional and is an excellent attorney. In my opinion having Epstein & Conroy on my side guarantees me being on the winning team!"