Sex Crimes Defense

Sexual Assault

Perhaps no criminal conviction carries more social stigma than a sexual assault.  If you are convicted of a sex crime, in addition to a potentially lengthy jail sentence, you will be required to register as a sexual offender after a SORA (Sex Offender Registration Act) hearing.   The government is armed with sex crime investigation units, dedicated prosecution units and victim advocates.  If you are accused of a sexual assault in New York, you must arm yourself with a legal team experienced in sexual assault prosecutions - the quality of your legal representation can affect the rest of you life.  The attorneys at Epstein & Conroy are experienced defending people accused of sexual assaults and experienced representing individuals at SORA hearings. 

Sex Crimes Against Children

In the State of New York, a person “less than seventeen years” old is deemed to be incapable of consenting to sex.  In addition to the enormous social stigma if you are convicted of a sex crime against a child, you face the possibility of a lengthy prison sentence and the possibility of registering as a sex offender for the rest of your life.  Choosing a legal team experienced handling delicate cases, like sex crimes against children, can affect the outcome for the rest of your life. 

Sex Offender Registration / SORA Hearings

In New York, the Sex Offender Registration Act (SORA) requires a person convicted of a “sex offense” to register as a sex offender, even if the person took a plea bargain.  The purpose of a SORA Hearing is for a judge to determine if a defendant will be adjudicated a level 1, level 2 or level 3 sex offender.  The different levels come with increasingly harsh restrictions, including the possibility of lifetime registration as a sex offender.  You have the right to be represented by a lawyer at a SORA hearing.  The lawyers at Epstein & Conroy are experienced with SORA hearings and can help explain the law to you and fight for your best outcome.

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"Great friend excellent attorney and very professional."